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Have a look at our common FAQ's below. If you have a question which isn't covered please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • How does EquiSorb work?
    EquiSorb attracts gases, impurities and toxins by adsorbing them in to micropores which are located within the powdered charcoal. The impurities (or other gasses/ toxins) are then carried out of the body naturally within the horses dung.
  • How long does a 1kg tub of equisorb last?
    Obviously this depends on the specific issue with the horse. However a 1kg tub lasts the average horse 4 weeks and a pony 6 weeks.
  • How much EquiSorb should I feed my horse?
    Two, level 20 ml scoops should be added to the horse’s feed twice daily. For ponies, this should be reduced to 1½ scoops twice daily and for foals 1 scoop twice daily. Once the horse’s condition is improved the dosage can be reduced to a maintenance rate of half the above stated quantities. The product is expelled naturally in the horse’s faeces.
  • What is EquiSorb made from?
    EquiSorb is an all natural Charcoal manufactured entirely out of cocounts
  • Is EquiSorb dusty?
    EquiSorb is formulated in such a way that dust is kept to an absolute minimum. A reduction in dust was one of the key factors when EquiSorb was orginally designed.
  • Is EquiSorb comfortable for my horse to eat/ digest?
    Unlike some competitor charcoal products EquiSorb uses a powder-like substance rather than the tough and (at times) small, sharp granules that others use. The powder is barely noticeable to the horse, so yes EquiSorb is comfortable for the horse.
  • Is EquiSorb ok to feed to horses which are subject to random blood or urine tests?
    Yes, EquiSorb is FEI legal and is formulated from 100% natural materials.
  • Is EquiSorb ok to feed to any type of horse?
    EquiSorb can be fed to all types of horses, including foals, stallions and pregnant mares. The powder does not enter the blood stream, urine or milk.
  • Can I feed my horse other supplements as well as EquiSorb?
    Yes, EquiSorb utilises micropores which will not adsorb other suppliments or minerals. However we always advise speaking to your local Vet before mixing supplements together.
  • When shouldn't I feed my horse EquiSorb?
    EquiSorb should not be fed to horses with constipation or impaction Colic. We advise speaking to your Vet before feeding EquiSorb to your horse. Particularly if your horse is on perscribed medication.
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